WAGS Ambassador Team Leader (TL) Responsibilities
As you begin visiting, there may be times when you are the WAGS Team Leader at a Facility.
Will you please read the Team Leader Responsibilities below that explain this role.
You may email Tara Davis at facilities@kywags.org
WAGS Ambassadors will assume the TL role at a Facility when:
- You are the only visiting team
- You agree to be TL with other visiting teams
Team Leader Skills Requirements
- Leadership & communication skills
- General knowledge of animal behavior & body language
- Member of WAGS for at least 6 months
- Solid understanding of WAGS Policies / Procedures Guidelines for Visitation
Team Leader Responsibilities include:
1) Identify yourself as TL to Facility contact person, exchange your contact info & team contact info list. Maintain an updated list.
2) Share facility contact info with all team members.
3) Create a team contact list & share with team. Maintain updated list.
4) Schedule, reschedule, or cancel visits with Facility contact & communicate to teams.
- Facility contact may schedule, reschedule, or cancel visits directly with teams.
- Communicate the appropriate scheduling method to teams
5) Understand Facility Volunteer requirements & communicate to teams.
- Steps for orientation / background checks / immunizations, etc
- Where to park and check in / out for visits
- Facility ID requirements
- Dog immunization requirements
- Special considerations include:
-Avoiding other animals on premises (Facility, Resident, Service)
-Will a Facility person accompany the team?
-Behavior considerations of the people you visit
-Stair/elevator requirements
-Designating a potty area for dogs
6) Designate a temporary TL in your absence.
7) Be available to answer questions & support teams.
8) Update team changes to WAGS Facilities Chairperson
- Ask teams to use WAGS website drop/add link to keep their facility list current
9) Incident Management if you are notified of an incident at Facility
- Support team member
- Confirm team member has notified Facility contact person
- Confirm Facility incident reports were completed, as well as WAGS incident report.
- Assist team member to follow WAGS Procedures for Handling an Incident.
- Report incident to the WAGS facilities Chairperson, Tara Davis within 24 hours at facilities@kywags.org .
If you assume a Team Leader position, please fill out our "Add/Drop Facility or Team Leader" here or on the website or email Tara Davis Facilities@kywags.org to inform her of your role.
Rev 1.26.25