Lois Cousins and Seda, a cream Golden Retriever pass their certification

Members Photo Gallery

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Send Membership Meetings Photos

Send Special Events Photos

Send Personal Pet Photos


Would  you like to submit an original photo for consideration on our website, publications, or our newsletter?

Please email your photo to:  photos@kywags.org  (Sandy Kleinhenz).  Members and public appearances do not need to sign any permission slips. Remember children should not be recognized, unless full permission is granted and signed.
Please include the following information:
1. Name of the person who took the photo
2.  Member's full name
3.  Names of people in the photo (comma between names)
4.  Include your knowledge of:
  • Permissions ______ 
  • Permission not necessary ______
  • Permission may be traceable _________
5.  Pets name 
6.  Facility or location

(photo release forms are needed if non-members appear in the pictures especially at facilities)

Two ways to obtain photo release permissions when non-members are photographed :

    1.  Our preferred way is to use our WAGS electronic form on your device while getting the photo. Click  Phone Photo Release Form to bring up the form.

    2. or download and print our paper WAGS Photo Release  form. Have the participants sign and input later into the electronic form in #1 (need help ? email Sandy at  photos@kywags.org)

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